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"It makes me want to sing my best, try my hardest and I can also have fun with my friends!"
Charlotte, one of our Junior Choir singers
Our junior choir rehearses each Wednesday between 5:30pm and 6:30pm in The Lisbonian Room, St. Edmund's Church, Oxford Road, Waterloo.
You don't need to pre-register to join - just turn up!

We are the original completely free children's choir in Waterloo and Crosby.
We don't charge our singers for anything because we believe everyone should have access to the arts.

We sing everything from Musical Theatre to Pop - and everything in between.
Our rehearsals are filled with laughter and we regularly hold social events for our singers too.

For everyone
We are committed to being audition free - and we don't ask for singers to have previous experience.
Our only ask is that you love to sing.
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